Homemade Calzones


A spin on pizza night that you can easily make in your own kitchen - have your kids pitch in and pick your own toppings! Make your own dough, or make it simple and pick some up from the store or local pizza joint.

-Divide dough into small rounds (size all depends on how big you want your calzones to be)

-Roll out to desired thickness (not too thin though, you shouldn’t be able to see through it)

-Place on parchment paper covered sheet pan

-Add sauce and toppings to one side

-Fold round to round and pull bottom over top, crimp with a fork, or pinch to form a seal

-Eggwash (1 egg + 1 tablespoon water) the tops of calzones, add italian seasoning and parmesan cheese

-Bake in 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes depending on thickness and size of calzone

-Serve with warmed pizza sauce or ranch