Kacy Fowler


Dinners in our house had one requirement: everyone eat at the table together. It didn’t matter if you expressed one word, or one hundred words - what mattered was that we were together. While each family member contributed to making this nightly event happen, I was always most interested in helping my mom prepare the dishes. “Here’s an extra apron for you” my mom would say as she handed me an apron out of her collection. Tying the strings around my waist meant I was about to learn something new in the world of food. This simple action meant I was contributing to a meal that made our family feel good - that nourished us. 

At home I learned how to cook and at culinary school - and throughout my kitchen career - I learned how to be a Chef. During culinary school I worked at Garibaldi’s of Oakland and after graduating moved to Bridges in Danville (where Mrs. Doubtfire was filmed!). Eventually I transitioned to an operations position at The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe as a manager of Meetings and Special Events. In 2017 my husband and I made a huge change and chose Denver as our new home. We expanded our family with a baby girl in April of 2019 and (before Covid) I was back to my roots working as a Corporate Chef for MAD Greens. Now, I’m excited to be a (quarantined) Stay-at-Home-Mom-Chef and pass on what I know.

I can’t wait to share my tips, tricks, and recipes! I’m going to show you why to use the right tool for the job, how to make sure you’ve got a sharp knife - or how to sharpen that knife and why you want to dry fish off before cooking (makes the skin extra crispy!). I got you. To me, an extra apron symbolizes what I learned on those family dinner nights. It tells the story of uninterrupted time together and sharing our knowledge to fill not only our stomachs, but our hearts and souls. Cooking is my creative outlet and I look forward to extending my knowledge for you.

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