Cook With Your Kids!


My extra apron in training is soaking up kitchen skills like a fresh new sponge! She may only be 16 months now, but the time will come when she’s in charge of dinner - and it will help to know you heat the pan before adding the chicken!

The kitchen holds the best of times. We’re connecting, sharing, teaching, learning.. all the things, just by having her close to us while cooking.

Every dish she observes or ‘help’s with (checking on the muffins).. she tastes! The involvement sparks more interest and she’s more likely to want to try it!

She sees first hand what we mean by ‘eat the rainbow’ and how eating the ‘good for us’ vitamins and minerals help our bodies grow healthy and strong. Cooking at home is the healthy choice, and hopefully her palate will be less likely to crave processed foods.

We’re fueling her creativity and curiosity - messes are totes OK!

She’s building life skills: measuring, math, listening (!), following directions, organization, time management.. the list goes on.

How do you involve your kids?