Blender Sweet Potato Banana Pancakes


As a mom of a tot, and a trained chef, I want to share my knowledge and help parents build their culinary confidence.

This week on our zoom class, we covered blender pancakes that you can store in the FREEZER for a super easy breakfast or snack!

What You’ll Need:

-1 medium sweet potato (about a cup) baked or steamed then cooled

-2 eggs

-1 banana

-1/8 teaspoon kosher salt

-dash of cinnamon

-dash of nutmeg

-vegetable oil or coconut oil, for cooking


-Everyone in the blender: sweet potato, eggs, banana, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg - blend until smooth

-Heat non-stick, cast iron, or griddle to medium-medium low

-Swirl oil and add about 1/4 cup of batter -cook 3 minutes then flip and cook 3 more minutes

-Unlike traditional batter, this won’t bubble up to give you and indication of when to flip - so go by time

-Serve warm, or let cool and store in refrigerator for 1 week

To freeze:

Line pancakes on a baking sheet so they aren’t touching and freeze for 1 hour

Place pancakes in freezer bag for up to 3 months

To reheat from frozen:

Place up to 5 pancakes on a plate and microwave 20 seconds per pancake until warmed through - before to test temp before serving to babe!