This is 'Saucesome'


Introducing… Saucy Sunday’s - and a week of sauces to kickstart our journey!

Knowing how to execute a quick sauce to accompany your meal will nourish your kitchen confidence - and make ALL the difference in your food. This week, I’ll be walking you through the basics, giving you ideas, and showing you how to branch off from standard recipes. If we’re starting with the basics.. we’ve gotta’ understand the 5 French Mother Sauces!

Meet Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, and tomato sauce - these are what Marie-Antoine Careme anointed as the top building block sauces for all his other sauces. Later, Auguste Escoffier added Hollandaise into the mix and there we have the 5 mother sauces. The mother sauces were viewed as the foundation for many dishes and as a culinary student, you were expected to know them. Some are rarely made anymore, but I think there is tremendous value in learning them, and understanding the technique. 

So, hang out with me this week and get yo’ sauce on! I encourage you to try out a few and incorporate into your dinner plan! Feel welcome to ask questions along the way and share your faves!