Burner Jalapeños

Had a few requests to show charring jalapeños on a gas stove top burner as well as de-seeding… look no further! These delicious little peps can sometimes reach your hands with their heat, so always wear protective gloves! 

  1. Turn on burner to highest setting and place peppers directly on the grates of your burner

  2. Use tongs to rotate often (black, blistering, char is OK!)

  3. Keep rotating until pepper is completely blackened

  4. Put peppers in heat proof glass mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap - this is allowing steam to build and loosen the skin so it’s super easy to remove.

  5. Remove charred skin (this could be done under the faucet stream as well)

  6. Cut pepper in half and open to scrape out seeds and membrane

  7. Using the back of your pairing knife, apply pressure to scrape the seeds from pepper. Flip over and scrape off any small piece of charred skin you missed

*If you don’t have a gas grill - you could easily do these same steps with an outdoor grill, or use the broiler. Use this technique for ALL peppers: red, yellow, green, and any other spicy pep!