Holla for Hollandaise!

Howdy everyone, it’s Saucy Sunday!

It’s our final stop on the ‘saucesome’ tour, and we’re ending it brunch style with easy blender Hollandaise! Yes, we’re learning the techniques of the mother sauces - and yes, I actually make hollandaise in the blender every time. This sauce is amazing, and can be enjoyed in so many different ways: Benedict, grilled or roasted veggies like asparagus, salmon, chicken, and steak! To make this sauce, I start by clarifying butter - it just gives that extra butter oomph I want in a good Hollandaise. It also helps strengthen the hold of the sauce (it’s very possible to ‘break’ this sauce and have to spend time re whisking or blending. You 100 can make this blender sauce without clarifying the butter, but, why not..? 

First, why clarify butter? When you clarify butter, you split up the fat, water, and milk solids to get straight to the beautiful golden butterfat! When you melt the butter you separate it into 3 parts: foam (that water), the clarified butter (that fat), and the milk solids. Our goal: strain the solids, and remove the water. Not only does this golden delicious fat taste ridiculous - clarified butter also offers a higher smoke point (think searing, roasting, frying, etc.). Also, because you don’t have the milk solids - clarified butter lasts up to 3 months in the fridge. 

On to the goods…

For Clarified Butter:

-melt 2 sticks butter in small sauce pan on medium heat

-bring to small simmer - skim foam as it comes to the top - you’ll see the solids go to the bottom

-line bowl with strainer and cheesecloth or coffee filter

-when there’s no more foam forming, remove butter, and pout through strainer system - making sure to leave those solids in the pan (see my video!)

-let cool slightly and use directly for blender hollandaise, or store in fridge for up to 3 months!

Blender Hollandaise:

-2 sticks butter (16 tablespoons) clarified, or.. not

-2 egg yolks

-1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice

-1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

-dash of paprika (you could use cayenne, chipotle, get creative!)

-blend egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, and paprika until combined

-with blender running on low, slowly add in butter (you can use less butter if you want a thicker sauce)

-adjust and taste sauce if needed. More salt? More lemon? 

-this is best right away.. so mise en place (check out my post on this if you’re unfamiliar) your dish and be ready for the sauce!

Today I used my blender hollandaise for fried egg, prosciutto, and arugula benedicts! A-mazing, and easy! That’s right folks, I didn’t even poach the eggs! Check out the end of the video for plate up!