Oodles of Zoodles + Jalapeño Vinaigrette


This has summer all wrapped up in a nice long zucchini ribbon!

Don’t have a spiralizer? Three different ideas: 1) use a good ol’ fashioned peeler to make thin ribbons and then cut, 2) use a box grater or, 3) use a mandolin on the little teeth setting!


-3 zucchini - zoodled

-1/2 cup cherry tomatoes - halved

-1/4 cup roasted (and toasted) pistachios - chopped

-2 ears grilled corn

Grilled Jalapeno Vinaigrette:

-2 jalapeños - grilled then chopped (seeds removed)

-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

-2 tablespoons dijon

-1 tablespoon honey

-1 garlic clove - minced

-2 tablespoons lime juice

-1 small bunch cilantro

-1/2 teaspoon salt

-1/2 cup olive oil

Everyone into the pool! Load everything into the blender and blend for a few minutes. With blender on low, slowly add in olive oil in a stream to slightly emulsify. Taste for seasoning, and boom, done

Enjoy immediately, or chill for 30 minutes. Keep refrigerated for about 3 days - tightly sealed.