perfecting [baby] purees
Let’s all agree: nothing tastes better than a healthy, homemade meal, and that goes for baby purees as well! Let's prioritize health over convenience of processed food and nourish our babies with fresh, whole ingredients that WE choose.
Looking to create your own homemade baby purees and food, but aren’t sure the first steps? Come check out my fun, easy-to-follow class that shows you important steps, techniques, essential equipment, recipes, and a full how-to book to download once you sign up! Hope to see you there!
Let me help answer the question ‘what’s for dinner?’ by empowering you to achieve your potential and build culinary confidence! I’ll share basic techniques and give you quality instruction from my on-the-ground experience as a trained chef and together we’ll produce delicious, restaurant quality food that is also simple to make.
i got you
Cooking is my creative outlet, and I’m excited to share my tips, tricks, and recipes with you.
I’ve got an extra apron for you and I’ll be by your side every step of the way as you try new recipes and techniques. You’ve got this!
get it while it’s hot